First, be assured that for a teacher, being gone from school is not as simple as making sure an adult is in the room with the hooligans to prevent bodily harm during the assigned hour. I have a formula that tells me that for each and every hour I am NOT at school, I spend 4.613 hours preparing to be gone, and another 3.728 hours when I get back, figuring out what happened when I was gone.
Because I do more this year than teach - as in 'school events' -multiply times 21. So, it took me all week to get to the point of leaving. But we did. PPP was in a hurry to get out of town too. She was concerned that I might change my mind. Valid point.
My BFF the Photographer, has a spare apartment in NashVegas; her son, my Bonus Boy was 'free' so to speak, the plan was that we would all meet up when we arrived at 7:45 p.m., as determined by a series of text messages:
ME: we're leaving now, we'll be there about 7:45
Bonus: OK
ME: So, plan to get there about then.
Bonus: OK
ME (to the Photog): What's your plan?
Photog: Working, then headed your way.
ME: Do you have a time frame?
Photog: We'll see, it's busy. I'll get there eventually.
Note that I am the only person who seems to have a notion of time here. Promptly at 5:32, which is when I usually walk in the door at home, I got starving, and sleepy. Too bad I was driving the car. It's a good thing PPP can drive, because she does not take a nap at 5:32 every afternoon and she drives way faster than her mother.
Eventually, we got close, so I texted Bonus Boy to confirm that he was where I wanted him to be - at the apartment at 7:45. TIME was becoming important to me, because I was hungry and exhausted. Also, I had an appointment at 8:00 a.m. the next day.
Me: We'll be there in about 20 minutes
Me: We'll be there in about 20 minutes
Bonus: OK, I guess I'll head that way.
Me: Where are you?
Bonus: At home (45 minutes away)
And, to the Photographer:
Me: What's your plan?
Photog: I'm going to leave work in a few minutes and go home to get some things then I'll be there.
Me: Any time frame?
Photog: When I get there, I guess.
So...that went on for a while, while we drove up and down the street looking for Chick-Fil-A and a bathroom clean enough for a Princess. We didn't find Chick-Fil-A, though "clean enough for a Princess" is directly proportional to how long one looks for said facilities. . . we eventually found one.

So... It didn't matter that we looked at catalogs and searched for landmarks from 29 stories above the sidewalk, or that we ordered breakfast at 11:00 a.m. 

Because the only unfenced part of this school we saw was the picturesque and photographable granite sign.
When we got home, PPP said that she doesn't think she likes this college. "I didn't see anyone walking around who looks like me." That is correct, you saw a rented fence around the entire perimeter of the campus. Also, driveway guards.
So, while she took the SAT or ACT or some multi-letter standarized test that claims to determine her future, I developed an elaborate document called: PPP's college grid which contains all the info that she considers key to her decision, and no extra information that she deems superfluous. 
PPP's grid doesn't look just like this elaborate and intriguing thing, but sort of. Because while they were gazing out the windows, I was entertaining myself with the Photographer's always interesting knick-knacks. Like I always do.
Dear Friend: I am so glad you're going through this journey a few years ahead of me and can advise when we get to this point! I took some great photos at football yesterday, a la Young Son. Interestingly, NKB was wearing #12, not his usual number #21. We found out later that NKB was nearly benched the entire game because HE FORGOT HIS JERSEY. Please tell me thing like this happen in your house too? Will try to find the strength/creativity to post my football boy's photos soon. kk
sweet stalker pics mom! my fav is me and t being batman/batwoman. we're really cool, we know.
Hi Ann :)
My favorite part of this post was....
PPP said that she doesn't think she likes this college. "I didn't see anyone walking around who looks like me." That is correct, you saw a rented fence around the entire perimeter of the campus. Also, driveway guards.
Ah... kids. LOL I hope she finds a great college. My son Alex is going to OSU, but wants to tranfer to Arizona State and thinks he wants to live with his grandma. $100 bucks says he'll change his mind two months into that ;)
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