Me: Can we make this into a senior speech?
- Grey'sAnatomy "Seriously, Mom? Seriously?"
- The storm that killed our house
- Sex and the City and the time we watched all 6 seasons in 10 days "I don't think I can say the word 'sex' in chapel.
- The storm that destroyed our house
- The question "where are you going to college" -You KNOW I don't want to talk about college. I don't want to think about college.
- The storm that devastated our house - I'm NOT talking about the storm. No. Don't say it again.
So, I eventually gave up, and decided that she would be inspired or she would be embarrassed. A week out, though? No topic? Seriously? "Grey's Anatomy" was looking promising. Perhaps the "Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team" a weekend obsession of ours. So imagine my surprise - and relief, but don't tell her - when on Halloween eve she appeared at the foot of my bed (where I lure children to talk with abandon) with her eureka moment.
PPP: "I'll talk about baking!" Duh. Baking is your other life.
ME: OK, great idea. IF it holds.PPP: I'm going to talk about baking! What else would I talk about? I'm going to talk about baking.
ME: OK, got any other.... She was gone, back to baking BigB's Halloween brownies to take to work.
Moments later, before my mind had much of a chance to run through a few hundred ideas related to baking. . .
PPP (back at the foot of the bed): "I'll talk about all my disasters. All those disasters, that brown globby looking apple pie that Little Bear always makes fun of! Why didn't I think of this? I'm a BAKER. I'm SO going to talk about baking.
Gone again. . . . . . . . . .Back again.PPP: And that cake, the first one, the one I made with the box mix? The one that fell apart and we had to stick back together with the icing, and it was still ugly? That I STILL hear about? Yeah.
Gone....back again.PPP: It's like coming, all the ideas, suddenly, idea after idea, all my disasters and all the ways I had to make the best of them. Sort of like everything else. You just make the best of what you have and keep going. Yes! (Demi-fist pump, holding the wooden spoon that splattered Halloween brownie batter all over the place.)

Oh what a wonderful girl! I love this post. :)
Great post. Oh, the mud in that one picture. You kids look like they have so much fun in their daily lives. Did she already give her speach or is it coming up soon?
Oooo, any way she'd post the speech here? Probably not, but I'd love to hear it!
Growing up the youngest of four girls, I never did much baking or cooking, never much need for it (although I'm quite accomplished now). So when I called my oldest sister many moons ago to tell her I was getting married, her first words were "But you don't know how to cook!"
OH! I am so Pms'ing and dealing with a child with a belly ache while I drink wine because now I am crying at this post. Your daughter sounds so awesome and it just makes me think of when my #2 won't be "a little kid with a belly ache who wants her Mommy to hold her hand because she feels sick" anymore. She'll be like your PPP and going away to college. Great...I'm tearing up again and #2 is wondering why I'm hugging her again...
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