Take a look at PPP - because her body language will tell us about her college hunt.
So...happy, smiling PPP with Auntie Bootza on her 18th birthday, pre-horse farm.

And....PPP, freezing on a tour of Hollins that included nothing of interest to her. . . with random snow flying around.

If you cannot read body language of our 2nd daughter, that posture says: "Fine. Just FINE. I'm going, but I don't want to."

PPP got up at dawn, and went to a chemistry class in which there were 3 people. Lunch with a chemistry professor, one of three in the whole school, confirmed that the ratio of equine creative writers to scientists is about 750:3, considering that the undergraduate enrollment is 753. Perhaps our girl will make that 4 science majors. She also met the lacrosse coach, which was a nice touch, since all we had seen was one lax goal, pushed off to the side, and a field with some faint lines. They gave us some slick recruiting papers about the strength of the science department. And they were totally awesomely nice to us both. That would be after I had a chat with the President of the University, the President of the Parents Council and the Assistant Director of Admissions. My basic premise was that we had driven really, really far, and thanks for asking us....but if they are so all up in the sciences, where exactly are the people? We met all of them the next morning. In rapid succession. Things got awfully scientific after that. Then we drove home, because of the impending first lacrosse game of PPP's season.

10 hours 30 minutes worth of random observations from the drive home:
Things were a lot better in the morning at Hollins than they were the night before. Still, it looks better to Mom than to the potential student.

The Blue Ridge Mountains are blue.
We appreciate the value of a women's-school education. Bleh, bleh, bleh. Not sure about the slam poetry.

Internet access is SO worth $10 a day.
Which is better? A ton of personal attention for 3 or 4 science students or a enormously competitive and peer-challenging course of study? Hmmm...can we flip a coin? Also, is there actually a job market big enough to absorb all these art history majors?
What is slam poetry? We had to phone a friend to find out. Stargazer reports that it's random and twisty and makes no sense to anyone but "the poet". Sounds like the 60's to me.
Why didn't they bribe all the bubbly fun Hollins girls to spend the weekend at school, so that it didn't look so deserted and mopey? Attracting scientists doesn't compare to parties at schools with boys.
Hollins is a really good school. And it might be a great place to go. While we were about 37 seconds from going home on Sunday night, we didn't. I''m glad, because they fell all over themselves to make PPP feel like...a science Princess. That was nice.
It only took us 10.5 hours to get home, rather than the anticipated 12. I cannot fathom how fast we must have driven because we stopped every hour.
PPP does not eat gas station hot dogs. Just...no.
There's another place that she really likes a lot. 

A whole lot. Anybody can read THAT body language.
We're listening. We really are.
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