- and this is her closet. There are already a few dresses there. So what could we be looking for?
We aren't shopping for just ANY dress, we are looking for THE dress, the one she will wear on January 3, 2009. Every Bride hopes she will find THE dress, THE one, the perfect dress. OUR Lovely Bride saw a dress in a magazine. And then she saw it in another magazine. And she looked and looked until she found a picture of the front and the back. And THAT is the dress she wanted to try on. So we set out to find it (or one just as pretty, but not weird) no matter where we have to go in 100+ degree heat, no matter how many different un-air conditioned dressing rooms we have to huddle in, no matter how much duchess satin and extravagant beading we have to shake our heads 'NO' to. Because....
. . . it's clear that this woman has something to celebrate. And just ANY dress will never do. We are looking for THE dress.
We started shopping in Nashville on Monday - half a day shopping resulted in.... ...the need for lunch and a beverage. That trip told us a lot....about what we did not want....and who we did not want to buy it from. We were carrying the magazine picture. We did not find THAT dress on the scout trip. We didn't find THE dress either.
So, a few days later, we went the opposite direction, over the river and through the woods...no, not through the woods . . . through the Delta, that achingly flat farmland alongside The River, to the big bordello style dress warehouse that has EVERY dress imaginable for ANY bride. During the drive, I worked hard to soften the blow ...THAT dress, the one in the magazine, was not in this store either, they had confirmed it by phone on Friday. I had plans to find it, to make appointments in the most sophisticated salons in New York, in Atlanta, in St. Louis, in Paris, in Rome, in Athens. Not really all of those, but sort of.
There were rooms and rooms and racks and racks of beautiful dresses. Thanks to our scout trip, we knew just what we were looking for ....and what we weren't looking for. But still . . .
lots of questions to ask
lots of details to look at....

And these.....well, these are the ones we left behind!

And the whole fully illustrated story of 'the dress at the top of the stairs' will have to wait ....January 4, 2009.

This is great and truly describes what not only this bride goes through, but what every bride dreams of. Some take a little more time to find THE Dress, but they always find it. Keep on writing. Richard
oh yes, I remember trying to find the dress. Also, I saw that you entered Pioneer Woman's Zune contest. I'm having a contest on my blog right now to win 1 of 2 Nintendo DS systems. You should enter! :)
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