I know that look. I saw that look in carpool line after a long hard morning in Junior Kindergarten. I saw that look when she caught sight of us in the audience for MayDay dance thing in second grade. I saw that look at the end of Kamp. I've seen that look at the end of a long night out with friends, or after a really hard exam. It's the look that says "MOMMEEEEE!"
After 11 days on a trip to
Mexico for PPP and her pals, everyone's glad to get out of the vans and find someone to say "welcome home!" So...WELCOME HOME, friends!

So.... Matty's wondering, is MINE out there?

Indeed she is. Let's see who else is in this hot parking lot . . .

Hey girls! Seeing some signs of tired....yes, tired it is.

So, all the lax girls are accounted for. Nobody's wasting time getting back to the world of text messaging. Is it just me, or is MJ wearing a sweatshirt? It was a solid 110 degrees on that parking lot.

Little Bear is looking happier. No fierce glare for the camera?

We spend some serious time milling around in this parking lot.

Is that tired and happy? Tired and relieved? Tired and more tired? Thanks, guys.

Here's another happy Mama! Conversation
with eye contact, too

I KNOW she's looking to make sure the Passport is in there.

So, Little Bear has stories to tell our Young Son. Football workout in the morning, Little Bear? Right...sure...absolutely. Not.

Even the Pretty Pretty Princess gets tired.
Total Physical Exhaustion, Princess style.
Everyone looks tired, but I bet they have amazing stories to tell about their trip! Our church has an orphanage we built in Mexico and they go down monthly to play, take clothes , food etc... We took our little guys (not so little 13 and 14) and they had a great time. I think it's good to show them how other people have to live and teach them to give back!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
thanks for the comment...oh I felt the memories in your pics of the teens getting home from a missions trip...I have led a few and live in South America for two years, great great time. Before kids. I love your quick wit and who knew about BOLOGNA and car paint? will visit the mud again soon.
I found you through Jen at Cheaper Than Therapy.
I'm an Ann to! (Ann-no-e's need to stick together!)
Welcome home to the princess! So glad she returned home safe and sound and you got achieved your TPE out of her. :)
Look at all those smiles! though tiredness hide behind those smiles, but its great to see everyone back with joy written on their faces.
Hi Ann :)
I'm glad PPP is home safe and sound. I teared up when I read that line about her not looking back. I know that feeling already.
I can't believe someone egged your car!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I really appreciated your comment. Seeing your daughter's face (blissly happy to be home and spiritually full from helping others), brought back memories of when my sons and husband went to Nicaguara for a mission trip. .It is still something they all talk about foundly. Thanks for sharing such beautiful photos.
Yeah! Home in one piece! It looks like she had fun!
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